Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Water water

Today's water is a new one I tried.  Grapefruit was on sale, so I thought, what they hey!  I added a few knobs of ginger and some mint extract I had in the cupboard.  I usually use fresh mint from my garden, but I used to much on last week's water!  Whoops!

I don't normally post water recipes per se, I just say drink a gallon a day.  But the reason I wanted to talk about this one was I want to encourage you all to walk around the grocery store, or even better, the farmers market with new eyes.  Produce is surprisingly inexpensive, so buy something you've never had before and try it, even if it just means putting it in your water jug for the day!  Worst case, you hate it and never buy it again!

For even more water recipes and tips, click here!

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