Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday's we do things a bit different....

Because there are a few great tips that are more overall lifestyle change, not something that may apply to "today," on Sunday's I'm going to give you a Tip to incorporate sometime this week. So you don't have a specific tip today, just sometime this week you have an extra one!

This Week's Tip: Take your own dressing to dinner one night and order a salad. That's all!

Did you know the average dinner sized salad has almost 4 oz of dressing on it?! That's 548 calories of ranch-y, waistline expanding goodness. Obviously I love ranch, but that price tag is too much to pay! For a great recipe check out my Ranch Revived Recipe Here. It's 447 calories for the WHOLE recipe, which equals out to 38 calories an ounce, saving you 397 calories on your salad!  That's like having 2 free glasses of wine, with some calories to spare!  Talk about a win!

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